Behavioral Framework

Boosting Visibility and Establishing Credibility for a Leading ABA Therapy Services Provider


Behavioral Framework, a leading provider of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy services, aimed to enhance its reputation and establish its leadership in the field of autism services and treatment. As a growing organization, Behavioral Framework sought to distinguish itself from competitors and communicate its innovative methodologies and proven treatment outcomes to a broader audience, including potential clients and healthcare professionals.


Verasolve collaborated closely with Behavioral Framework, focusing particularly on showcasing the expertise and innovative approaches of its Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer, Angela West. The strategy included disseminating authoritative articles and thought leadership pieces that highlighted Behavioral Framework’s commitment to evidence-based treatments and personalized care plans. To amplify Angela’s insights for parents and caregivers, Verasolve targeted key publications, aiming to demystify the process of understanding autism diagnoses and seeking treatment.

Additionally, Verasolve enhanced Behavioral Framework’s social media presence by sharing achievements, staff spotlights, and community involvement as part of an overall strategy to increase engagement.

Verasolve also collaborated with videographers to produce engaging video content for their website and social channels, including employee testimonials, an introduction to Behavioral Framework, and a ‘Meet Kyle & Angela’ feature, providing a personal glimpse into the commitment behind this family-operated business.


The publication strategy secured several features in international and regional magazines, including Autism Parenting Magazine, Washington Parent, Baltimore’s Child Magazine, Frederick’s Child Magazine, and Metro Kids. These placements effectively positioned Angela West and Behavioral Framework as leaders in the autism services field. The articles and video content not only educated the public about the benefits of ABA therapy but also highlighted the organization’s unique, successful approaches.

The enhanced visibility and credibility provided an opportunity for Angela West to be a featured speaker at Autism Parenting Magazine’s Conference, further establishing her and the organization’s thought leadership in the ABA community.

Overall, Verasolve’s comprehensive PR and marketing strategy strengthened Behavioral Framework’s industry presence, leading to greater engagement, recognition, and growth.

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