Snowbird Capital
Branding, Public Relations, and Digital Marketing for New Private Equity and Venture Capital Firm
When technology entrepreneur Nelson Carbonell decided to create a capital fund, he contracted Verasolve to position the company and develop an Integrated Marketing Plan to help articulate the firm’s value proposition to potential corporate borrowers. The goal was to build credibility for the new firm, strengthen Snowbird’s position in the highly competitive corporate finance market and generate leads for both its California and Virginia offices that would result in new deal flow for Snowbird.
Verasolve conducted in-depth research of the market and Snowbird’s competitors and helped position the company as a lower middle market mezzanine capital provider. Verasolve also developed and named a new product called the Reversible Warrant™, which provided the differentiation Snowbird needed in a market with too much capital chasing too few deals.
With the messaging and strategic differentiators in place, Verasolve developed a new website for Snowbird and matching print brochures to reinforce the new corporate identity.
Using the Reversible Warrant™ concept as a news hook, Verasolve generated dozens of favorable articles in target news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, CFO, BusinessWeek, Forbes, the Deal, Financial News, Dow Jones, American Venture Magazine, ABA Banking Journal and Business Finance Magazine. Additionally, Verasolve pitched and secured several executive profile stories featuring Snowbird Capital that appeared in local news outlets like The Washington Post, the Washington Business Journal, Orange County Register, East Bay Business Times and Virginia Business.
By consistently delivering the right messages about Snowbird Capital, the Reversible Warrant™ and its executive team, Snowbird was featured in dozens of news outlets read by its target audience of business owners, CFOs, bankers, deal attorneys, business brokers and accountants. The news coverage about Snowbird resulted in inquiries from borrowers and helped build their loan pipeline. Today, Snowbird Capital is a rapidly growing player in the mezzanine capital market.

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Contact us today to learn how we can help you enhance brand awareness, generate qualified leads, and increase closing ratios.